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From the MCC Student Code of Conduct...

A. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY In the academic community, the high value placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of scholastic dishonesty. In cases involving academic dishonesty, determination of the grade and of the student’s status in the course is left solely to the discretion of the instructor. In such cases, where the College representative determines that a student has demonstrated academic dishonesty, the representative is encouraged to report the incident of dishonesty to the Student Conduct Officer (or his or her designee) and the Academic Dean (or his or her designee) in order to discern potential patterns of egregious dishonesty. If a student does not have a prior academic violation, then the potential violation will go through and end at the departmental level and submitted to the Conduct Office for documentation. If the student has been a previous offender, the Student Conduct Officer (or his or her designee) will move forward with a notice and response referred to on page 9. Acts of academic dishonesty for which sanctions may be imposed includes, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Plagiarism - The adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works of another person as one’s own without proper attribution.

2. Cheating - Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or aids in any academic exercise or test/ examination. The term academic exercise includes all forms of work submitted for credit or hours,

3. Fabrication - Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.


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