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ENG 151 - Searching with AI

This research guide is designed to help students use AI responsibly for their ENG 151 research.

About Elizabeth

  • I have a BS in Mathematics with a minor in Philosophy from Benedictine University, an MLIS from Dominican University, and an MA from University of Nebraska - Kearney.

  • I've been a librarian since 2007 and I've been at MCC since 2008.

  • My teaching philosophy focuses on active learning and exploring. You are active participants in the session.

  • I want you to ask questions! Everything we do should be a conversation and there are things we'll all learn together.

Goals for Today

At the completion of the ENG 151 information literacy unit, students will be able to:

  • Distinguish between popular and scholarly materials.

  • Distinguish between primary and secondary sources and identify the format of the information they are using.

  • Distinguish fact from opinion and evaluate bias in a source.

  • Evaluate the quality of a resource and judge the suitability of a resource to the information need.


Additionally, we'll practice:

  • Using AI tools like Perplexity and Primo Research Assistant to locate sources

  • Reflect on how AI can help with searching and identify limitations

What We're Going to do Today

  • Warmup - Thinking about Source Evaluation (Kahoot
  • Searching with AI
    • Perplexity Demo
    • Small Groups (Source Evaluation)
    • Create an Account for Pro Features
    • Individual Practice
    • Primo Research Assistant Demo
    • Individual Practice
  • Think-Pair-Share