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*History Research Guide*

Primary vs. Secondary Sources and Content

Primary Sources

  • First-hand accounts by people who experienced event.
  • A person's account of own feelings, actions, or experiences.
  • Object or document that comes directly from person, place, or event being researched.

Secondary Sources

  • Second-hand accounts by people who did not experience event.
  • One person's account of someone else's feelings, actions, or experiences.
  • Object or document that originates much later than person, place, or event being researched.
  • Contains interpretations or analysis.

Content Versus Format

Newspapers aren't always primary sources. "Primary" and "secondary" relate to the content, not the format.


  • 1975 newspaper article about prohibition is a secondary source if it's an analysis of the impact of prohibition as the century progressed.
  • 1924 newspaper article about prohibition is a primary source because it was written during prohibition and documenting its impact on society in the 1920s.

Primary Sources: Library Databases