General Guidelines
Always check with your instructor on their paper formatting requirements, which may override regular formatting guidelines.
- No Title page needed
- Spacing: double spaced
- Font: 12 point
- Punctuation spacing: Leave one space after periods or other punctuation marks
- Margins: 1 inch on all sides
- Indent: Use the Tab key to automatically indent 1/2" the first line of each paragraph
- Header: Flush with the right margin; include your last name followed by a space with a page number
- Page numbering: All pages numbered consecutively in the header, flush with the right margin, one-half inch from the top.
- Italicize titles of longer works mentioned in your paper
- Section headings: if you choose to use them to organize your paper, be consistent the formatting
- Works Cited page appears at the end; each in text citation should have a corresponding complete citation on the Works Cited page
The First Page
- Type your name, instructor's name, the course and the date (double spaced) in the upper-left corner
- Double space again and type the title of your paper. Align your title to the center. Title should not be underlined, italicized, or in quotes. Use title case (capitalize all appropriate words).