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Events and Workshops: Library Programs and Webinars

Library Series

Interested in attending one of our library webinars but couldn't make the session? We'll share our slides here.

The library series of webinars are presented by McHenry County College Librarians, sometimes in collaboration with MCC Faculty.

If you're interested in partnering with us for a future webinar, contact us! Send an email to

Freedom of Expression: Exploring Issues of Censorship in Art, Books, and Music

Title: Freedom of Expression: Exploring Issues of Censorship in Art, Books, and Music

Presented by: Sarah Ruthven (Instructor of Art History), Kim Tipton (Reference Librarian), and Pat Gaughan (Instructor of World Music and Guitar)

Presentation date: 10/4/2023

Yes, the Library Has Books... They Just Look a Little Different

Title: Yes, the Library Has Books... They Just Look a Little Different

Presented by: Kim Tipton, MCC Librarian

Presentation date: 4/7/2022

Shattering the Stories: The Underground Press in the 1960s and 1970s

Title: Shattering the Stories: The Underground Press in the 1960s and 1970s

Presented by: MCC Librarian Roger Morales and English Instructor Toni Countryman

Presentation date: 3/23/2021, 2/16/2022

Use Google Like a Librarian

Title: Use Google Like a Librarian

Presented by: MCC Librarian Kim Tipton

Presentation date: 3/14/2022

Privacy and the Internet

Title: Privacy and the Internet

Presented by: MCC Librarian Roger Morales

Presentation date: 10/11/2021

Fake News is a Real Problem

Title: Fake News is a Real Problem: Why We Need a New Set of Skills to Uncover the Truth

Presented by: MCC Librarians Amy Faubl and Kim Tipton

Presentation date: 4/7/2021

Stuck in an Echo Chamber?

Title: Stuck in an Echo Chamber? How to Find Your Way Out: A Path to Objectivity

Presented by: MCC Librarians Roger Morales and Kim Tipton

Presentation dates: 12/1/2020, 3/15/2021, 4/1/2021

Banned Books: Censorship as a Power Structure

Title: Banned Books: Censorship as a Power Structure

Presented by: MCC Librarian Roger Morales and English Instructor Laura Power

Presentation date: 9/29/21