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Article Databases mostly contain articles from periodicals, including:
Journal Articles, which cover research and practice in a particular field or discipline. These articles are written by experts in the field and are a VERY HIGH QUALITY SOURCE. You can limit your search to just journal articles by checking the scholarly or peer-reviewed journal box on the search screen.
Magazine and Newspaper Articles, which are geared more to the general public--not as high quality as journal articles, but may be appropriate depending on your topic. Use the Source Evaluation Rubric under the Evaluating Sources tab to evaluate these types of articles.
Trade or Professional Articles are intended for professionals and others engaged in specific professions or trades. These periodical articles may include "how tos" and on the job articles as well as notices of conferences and meetings and advertisements and articles about equipment, supplies, coursework and seminars all related to a field or trade.
Some databases, especially those geared to a particular topic such as Literary Reference Center, contain periodical articles as well as articles from reference books.
Books, which have chapters of monographs or reference books. These sources tend to have a lot of information on your topic and are sometimes scholarly and sometimes popular. So make sure you evaluate them carefully.
You can find full-text articles covering a wide range of topics in the databases below. Make sure to combine your terms with Boolean AND (to include all terms), or Boolean OR (to include any term). The Youtube video to your left illustrates Boolean searching.
Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
Gale Academic OneFile, provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources and covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences. Also included are thousands of podcasts and videos.
Collection of multidisciplinary ebooks.
Gale eBooks offers broad cross-curricular collection of non-fiction titles, supporting science, geography, history, language arts, business and other subjects. Optimized for search and discovery, the Gale eBooks platform enables you to search through multiple nonfiction eBooks within a single search.
If your research assignment requires you to write about literary criticism or literary themes, start here.
Full-text database that includes scholarly journals in the humanities as well as images from the Artstor collections
Gale Literature Criticism contains centuries of literary analysis, from scholarly and popular commentary from broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books and periodicals. It includes criticism on works in children's literature, classic and medieval literature, literature from the 1400s to 1800s including the works of Shakespeare, drama, nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature, short stories, and poetry.
Literature Resource Center provides researchers with unbounding literary resources to support their own literary responses, literary analysis, and thesis statements through a diversity of scholars and critics that ensure all views and interpretations are represented. The database features primary works in a variety of genres, up-to-date analysis, biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews that encourage interdisciplinary approaches, information literacy, and the development of critical thinking skills.
Joshua Vossler's video "Selecting and Using Keywords"
Keywords and Database Searching