Information need: Find sources to serve as evidence to persuade your audience to take action or to change their mind about a topic.
In addition to Opposing Viewpoints, the database Academic Search Complete is a good place to find popular and scholarly sources.
News media, news articles, magazines, blogs, general websites, social media, and most general content.
Use Academic Search Complete's advanced search feature. Start with your topic as a keyword and add a related word that you found as you looked for background information.
Use the yellow Keywords and Database Search Strategies tab to help you search more effectively to find authoritative sources for your speech.
Statista is a database for finding reliable statistics on a wide variety of global topics and interests. Statistics will offer more evidence to support your persuasive argument.
Enter your topic in the search box on the main page. Use quotations marks around your topic to search is as a complete phrase.
The chart on the right shows statistics for the leading countries with the most threatened species worldwide as of 2024. They provide the source of the data (Source Link) for more context. You can also download a PDF of the chart and get its citation. Under the chart is a description with additional context.