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Open Educational Resources (OER): Share Your Story

Guide to locating open access textbooks and more

We Want You!

Share your story of how you lowered textbook costs for your students.

Textbook Camp Presentations - May 2018

Textbook Camp Success Story - Silvia Schmid - German 151

Textbook Success Stories @MCC

Course: Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Instructor: Sherry Ridge

Textbook Success Story: Using a non-traditional text book. The text book we currently use costs our students $224.65, next semester the book will cost $21. $203.65 SAVINGS!


Course: Web Development and Programming

Instructor: Meri Winchester

Textbook Success Story:  We are using our site license for to supplement materials in both live and online courses for programming and web development. We use free online resources at and Code Academy to replace text books. In our Programming Logic course we selected a free, open source book - Think Python - that can be purchased for less than $35.00 or downloaded free from the publisher's website. Our goal is to keep books under $50 when practical, and use as many free resources as we can. Due to how rapidly our subject changes, the interactive websites are generally more current than any text, which is starting to go out of date by the time it is published.


Course: Spanish Language courses

Instructor: Lindsay Carson

Textbook Success Story:  By switching from a print book to an e-book/e-workbook combo, we saved our students up to $307.50 (net).


Course: Culinary Management

Instructor: Tina Drzal

Textbook Success Story:  We have adopted a single textbook for use in lab classes. The Culinary book covers 5 lab classes and the Pastry book covers 4 lab classes. We eliminated the online ʺstudy guideʺ package ($20 extra) for each book and use our own shared resources for homework. For industry certified classes, we are working with the publisher to order direct and include the textbook cost in student course fees. This eliminates the burden of ordering on students and ensures that everyone has the book they need on the day they need it.


Course: Soil Science

Instructor: Bruce Spangenberg

Textbook Success Story:  The base information for most textbooks covering soil science comes from the USDA Soil Survey Manual. Authors of these very expensive textbooks present material from the manual in a variety of ways. The USDA manual is free, available as a pdf online, and is not copyrighted as it is a public domain government publication. We now print the sections of the manual we need for HRT 105 and the students do not have to buy an expensive book, yet are getting the same information (actually more complete than the textbooks).


Course: SPE 151: Introduction to Speech

Instructor: Ron Compton

Textbook Success Story:  For our students in our classes which require the e-book, there is a savings of $43 vs. a new softcover print book. For our classes which allow students to choose either version, students who choose the new print book can sell it back after the course is finished to MCC's Bookstore for 50% of its original price, a reimbursement of $67.50.

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Softcover print book: The Art of Public Speaking/$135

New Book Name/Coste-book: The Art of Public Speaking/$92

Enrollment Per Semester: 500

Savings Per Semester: $21,500


Course: BUS 155: Business Communication

Instructor: Sara White

Textbook Success Story:  We had required a hard copy, then switched to an eBook, and are now trying an OER.

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Essentials of Business Communication 10e by Guffey & Loewy/$228 for print book; $58 for ebook

New Book Name/CostBusiness Communication for Success/$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 40

Savings Per Semester: $2,320 savings from ebook ($9,120 savings over print text book)


Course: ROB 150/ROB 151 PLC Automation Applications I & II

Instructor: Jack Brzezinski

Textbook Success Story:  In automation programming classes, we will be using new software and hardware recently obtained through grants. Existing textbooks provide very general and traditional introduction materials that is often incompatible with new technologies. Our goal is to make sure that the new materials support better pedagogy. Also, it is important that we guide students through practical exercises in the lab.

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Programmable Logic Controllers by Schoolcraft Publishing/$80

New Book Name/CostAutomation Programming/$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 20

Savings Per Semester: $1,600


Course: HFE 152: Women's Health Issues

Instructor: Elaine Whalen and Vicki Hamill

Textbook Success Story:  Replacing textbook with government/educational Links, Educational TED Talks and Free E-Books

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Contemporary Women's Health/$133.35

New Book Name/CostOur Bodies, Ourselves/$15

Enrollment Per Semester: 24

Savings Per Semester: $2,840.40


Course: HIS 170: United States History I

Instructor: Sarah Sullivan

Textbook Success Story:  OER text, developing test banks, digital sources

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Give me Liberty/$98

New Book Name/Cost: Voices of Freedom/$20

Enrollment Per Semester: 175

Savings Per Semester: $13,650


Course: ENG 151/152: Comp I and Comp II

Instructor: Cynthia VanSickle & Starr Nordgren

Textbook Success Story:  We created a repository of open access materials, including textbooks and full courses, as well as sample courses using all free materials for Composition I and Composition II. Instructors can begin using these materials and the repository immediately. If all faculty adopt this model, textbooks costs will drop to $0 for students.

Previous Book Name/Cost:  varies/$20-$120

New Book Name/Cost: $0

Enrollment Per Semester: 1,200

Savings Per Semester: $24,000-$144,000


Course: BUS 150: Introduction to Business

Instructor: Rich Bruce, Noelle Butski, Sherry Ridge

Textbook Success Story:  We worked hard, in a week-long project, to completely eliminate the textbook cost for our Introduction to Business students. We created a repository of assignments, discussions, exercises, projects and quizzes that go hand-in-hand with the Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook, we have selected for this class, Exploring Business. Everything we chose is related to the outlined objectives for the course. We created a shell that is designed to be used as a "Cafeteria Style" repository where instructors can pick and choose the tools and resources they would like to use for their course.

Each chapter has a quiz bank with at least 20 questions to pull from for quizzes. The module items have been separated into 5 different types: assignments, case studies, discussions, exercises and projects. Most items already contain rubrics. At minimum, the rubrics include the course objectives (and in many cases the business department outcomes, and general education goals) that can be met by completion of that particular item.

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Business Essentials/$121

New Book Name/Cost: Exploring Business (OER)/$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 150

Savings Per Semester: $18,150


Course: MAT 095/099: Beginning Algebra & Intermediate Algebra

Instructor: Deborah Alheit, Heidi Boring, Mark Carlson, Marie Robison

Textbook Success Story:  We have decided to adopt a textbook that is free to download for all of our Beginning and Intermediate Algebra students. Students can also choose to purchase a $12 bound copy if they desire a physical copy. During the textbook camp we developed worksheets to go along with each section in the new textbook and uploaded them into a Canvas shell for any of our math instructors to download, edit, and use as they see fit in their classrooms. We have also created template courses at for teachers that wish to use a free online assessment resource with their classes.

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (Sherri Messersmith)/$138

New Book Name/CostBeginning and Intermediate Algebra; 2nd Ed (Tyler Wallace)/$0 to download; $12 for bound copy

Enrollment Per Semester: 520

Savings Per Semester: $65,520 - $71,760


Course: PHI 261: Religions of the World

Instructor: Meyrl Schmit and Steve Young

Textbook Success Story:  Replacing textbook with less expensive text, supplemented with online resources, readings and videos.

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Experiencing World Religions/$193

New Book Name/Cost: Inside World Religions/$25

Enrollment Per Semester: varies

Savings Per Semester: $168 per student


Course: CDM 130: Windows Operating Systems

Instructor: Mike J. Tetreault

Textbook Success Story:  I'm taking advantage of MCC's site license to


New Book Name/Cost: none/$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 24

Savings Per Semester: $2,880


Course: HRT 100: Introduction to Horticulture

Instructor: Bruce Spangenberg

Textbook Success Story:  Over the past 2 years have changed textbooks used to now be no cost to students in 4 Horticulture AAS Core courses (HRT 100, HRT 105, HRT 150, HRT 251); have eliminated purchasing textbooks in 3 floral design courses (HRT 120, HRT 125, HRT 221); and eliminated textbook cost in 2 other elective courses (HRT 159, HRT 181)

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Practical Horticulture/$164.42

New Book Name/CostIntro to Horticulture at MCC /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 16

Savings Per Semester: $2,630.72


Course: MAD 105: Programming for Android

Instructor: Meri Winchester

Textbook Success Story:  We are using completely online resources, free and We have the goal of removing textbook costs for the entire MAD program, it will take a few years to rewrite all of the courses to support this.

Previous Book Name/Cost:  Learn Java for Android Programming/$40

New Book Name/Cost: none /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: varies

Savings Per Semester: $40 per student


Course: PLT 151: United States Government

Instructor: Matthew Hansel

Textbook Success Story:  In the past I had tried using unbound books, or "essentials" versions, but all of them continued to increase in cost after an initial reduction. Now, through OER and PBS and WGHE in Boston (the creators of the CRASH COURSE series), I've been able to replace the text book with free online resources. The new resources will engage the students more and create more interaction in class and online. I feel good about this project because I was not only able to eliminate a textbook, thus reducing the cost to students, but I was also able enhance the quality of the material they are interacting with. This will provide an environment much more conducive to learning.

Previous Book Name/Cost: American Government and Politics Today/$150

New Book Name/Cost: none /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 75

Savings Per Semester: $11,250


Course: HIT 240: Electronic Health Records

Instructor: Allison Minicz

Textbook Success Story:  I implemented the virtual lab my students already utilize for other HIT courses. They will now have practice on four EHR's instead of one publisher created EHR.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Exploring Electronic Health Records /$117

New Book Name/Cost: none /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 15

Savings Per Semester: $1,755


Course: AOM 105 Keyboarding - Speed & Accuracy

Instructor: Julie Freelove

Textbook Success Story:  I worked with the publisher of both of these textbooks and explained MCC's initiative. When our students complete the AOM101 - Keyboarding I class, they create a GDP account that is good for two years. They also purchase a textbook that has an abundance of drills and timings (more than we could use in just one class). After explaining this to the publisher, we created a plan where students could use their materials from AOM101 for AOM105 as well, saving students from having to purchase materials for this elective class.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Improving Speed & Accuracy In Keyboarding /$121

New Book Name/CostGDP Account & Book Used in AOM101 /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 5

Savings Per Semester: $600


Textbook Camp Presentations - January 2018

Success Stories January 2018

Course: GER 151 Elementary German

Instructor: Silvia Schmid

Textbook Success Story:  I used online sources to build an elementary course.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Wie geht's /$306.95

New Book Name/Cost: none /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 16

Savings Per Semester: $4,900


Course: GEL 110 Geology of the National Parks

Instructor: Kate Kramer

Textbook Success Story:  Fortunately, because this course focuses on U.S. National Parks, I am able to use information from the National Park Service website and published government documents. I've linked the students to each park's Geology specific webpage for basic information via Canvas. I have also provide Government published pdf's of each parks Geologic Resource Inventory for more in-depth information regarding the geology in each park.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Parks & Plates /$124

New Book Name/Cost: none /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 48

Savings Per Semester: $5,952


Course: MUS 151 Music Appreciation

Instructor: Paige Lush

Textbook Success Story:  Adopted a free OER text and created a playlist of public domain and creative commons licensed music in Canvas for listening examples.

Previous Book Name/Cost: The Enjoyment of Music /$126.75

New Book Name/CostUnderstanding Music Past and Present /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 50

Savings Per Semester: $6337.50


Course: HRT 103 Intro to Plant Science

Instructor: Bruce Spangenberg

Textbook Success Story:  Similar strategy in 4 other core courses have eliminated textbook cost for students ; have also eliminated textbook in several elective courses in Department.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Introductory Botany /$245

New Book Name/Cost: Intro to Plant Science at MCC /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 48

Savings Per Semester: $11,760


Course: CHM 164 & CHM 165 Introductory Chemistry and General Chemistry I

Instructor: Cheryl Kordik and Mary Van Opstal

Textbook Success Story:  We eliminated costly copyrighted labs procedures and rewrote and created our own lab experiments to replace them. This means the students will have one lab manual which will reduce their lab costs significantly. In doing this we formatted the new lab manual to be consistent throughout, instead of having labs from many different sources. For accessibility, we can now make these labs available through Canvas as well.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Cengage Lab Manuals/ $19.50 for 164 and $35.00 for 165

New Book Name/Cost: Custom Lab Manual /cost of printing

Enrollment Per Semester: 168 for CHM 164, 48 for CHM 165

Savings Per Semester$3276 for CHM 164, $1680 for CHM 165


Course: BUS 241 Legal Environment of Business

Instructor: Mary Ambrose-Gerak

Textbook Success Story:  Strategies from Textbook Reduction Camp: 1. Found an OER from the Saylor Foundation and adapted it to MCC; 2. Posted the OER on the Master Shell in the Files/hdrive for their use or for them to download. 3. Found resources that are in the public domain or we have reviewed and worked through licensing issues.4. Uploaded and edited current assignments, MC videos, resources, lecture notes, quizzes and discussions; 5. Shared the materials and trained the other faculty to use this technology. We have eliminated: 1. photocopying the books in-house for the students from Business Law 23rd edition; 2. the e-book; both were two of our other previous strategies and 3. allowing the students to purchase any used edition- hoping that their instructors would assist them in adapting the materials and that all materials were covered in different editions similarly. Second, the e-book currently in use and the photocopying certain chapters were also strategies nearly as expensive as purchasing the original hard bound book. Finally, the approach allowing the students to buy any of the editions from 19th through 23rd and furnishing a memo that showed them the correct chapters in each to use was cumbersome, awkward and inefficient from the students' feedback despite that they may have used $8.00 books from Amazon used books or Half Price Books. We also received a double/triple benefit in that this new OER can be used to cut book costs for Business 240 and potentially Business Ethics 235.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Business Law/ Legal Environemnt of Business /$300 hardback, $200 for ebook

New Book Name/CostBusiness Law- Legal Environment of Business /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 64

Savings Per Semester: $12,800


Course:  HFE 150, 161 and 171 Contemporary Health Issues, Personal Fitness, Exercise Science I

Instructor: Jim Blaz and Vicki Hamill

Textbook Success Story:  We were able to find a plethora of free information for all three courses and the cost saving was significant. We re-organized our Canvas shell to allow students to open up their "Modules" page and access all information for the course. In the past, course information was scattered throughout the Canvas shell and often was confusing for students to navigate. We also created a "Master Shell" on Canvas for all HFE instructors to use for their various courses. This "Master Shell" is populated with free OER resources and will be valuable to all instructors.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Health: The Basics, Fit and Well: Abbreviated edition, Anatomy Coloring Book /$130.00, $109.75, $20.00

New Book Name/CostHealth- Open Courseware from Foothill College, Text for Personal Fitness abandoned and all labs accessible through OERmaterials available at no cost, ANatomy/Physiology OpenStax /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: Health:50, Persoanl Fitness:25-30, Exercise Science I:25, Fall only

Savings Per SemesterHFE 150 = $6,500.00, HFE 161 = $2,743.75 - $3292.50, HFE 171 = $500.00


Course: BIO 263 & BIO 264 Human Anatomy and Physiology I and Human Anatomy and Physiology II Course Sequence

Instructor: Deborah Firak

Textbook Success Story:  I do not require students to complete homework or quizzes at the Pearson website, so they don't need to purchase the access code, and can purchase a used textbook. I've written several labs and diagrams, developed audio lectures (posted in Canvas modules), and include a large variety of free access resources online (links and other documents), available to face-to-face sections, as well as to my blended sections.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Human Anatomy and Physiology by Elaine Marieb and Katja Hoehn; and Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual /$315 (with required access code to Pearson MyLab & Mastering) and $160 for Hole's Lab Manual ($475.00 total)

New Book Name/Cost1) Anatomy & Physiology openstax textbook (Rice University) and 2) Custom lab manual, using Creative Commons source, and MCC instructor authored labs and A Brief Atlas of the Human Body by Matt Hutchinson, et. al. (used) /~$10

Enrollment Per Semester: 48 (for two sections, two labs)

Savings Per Semester$465 for digital x 48 = $22,320.00 savings; with AP openstax bound textbook: $19,824.00 savings


Course: HIS 172 US History II

Instructor: Sarah Sullivan

Textbook Success Story:  Using an OER, which included developing chapter quizzes, restructuring the course, and designing new resources. The single book we are using goes to new editions very rarely, and because the subject is history, the text content should not change substantially, so it may be possible to use the single text for years resulting in students' ability to purchase used books. The text we are using is under $10 on and other web based retailers.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Give me Liberty, Voices of Freedom /$101

New Book Name/CostDigital History (OER) and Thinking Through Sources; Exploring American Histories /$18

Enrollment Per Semester: 200

Savings Per Semester: $16,600


Course: GER 152 Elementary German II

Instructor: Silvia Schmid

Textbook Success Story:  I was able to update my GER152 course with a more fluid course design that make interaction easier for in-person and online students. The overall flow is smoother as I used an OER textbook for the overview and basics and adding more personal touches using panopto videos, padlets, and other personally crafted docs. In fact, after the OER workshop ended, I updated GER151 with the same design. I'm happy now with GER151 and GER152, using the same course design with a structure and organization that flow into each other.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Wie geht's /$300+

New Book Name/Cost: OER Deutsch im Blick/$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 10-12

Savings Per Semester: $3,000


Course:  PHI 151 Introduction to Philosophy

Instructor: Will Behun

Textbook Success Story: In the past I've used pdfs and handouts to try to supplement or replace readings, even though I've avoided expensive textbooks. Even so, there were challenges in obtaining books on time and at minimum expense. By introducing a new html-based reader that is built into Canvas, students now have immediate access to their texts at no cost. Because many of the readings in class are historical texts, they are easily available in the public domain in good translations.

Previous Book Name/Cost: An assortment of primary texts /~$65

New Book Name/Cost: Introduction to Philosophy: An Historical Reader/$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 35-70

Savings Per Semester: $2,275-4,550


Course:  AOM 140 Integrated Office Applications

Instructor: Connie Lambke and Heather Courtney

Textbook Success Story: Eliminated textbook costs by creating content and using open resources.

Previous Book Name/Cost: GO!W/MICROSOFT OFFICE 2016 INTEGRATED PROJECTS /$164.27

New Book Name/Cost: None/$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 40

Savings Per Semester: $6,571


Success Stories 2025

Course: AOT 250 Administrative Office Procedures

Instructor: Connie Lambke

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: n/a; textbook was eliminated three years ago

Types of ICM Used: Open Educational Resources (OER) (reusable, retainable, revisable, remixable, redistributable without licensing other than Creative Commons licenses already granted); usually available in digital and lower-cost print versions to give the students options, Non-subscription website (e.g. from professional organizations in the field; from respected institutions such as universities, larger charities, hospitals; from corporate research departments or activist organization research (for comparison), Government databases and research reports (federal, state, local, or respectable foreign governments), Instructor-created materials given to students free and digitally (e.g. Canvas pages, instructor-built website, video or audio materials, handouts, worksheets)

Benefits beyond Cost Savings: As noted above, the outdated textbook was eliminated three years ago. Through our department Program of Study, much of our course content was redistributed. Some things were taken out of this course and a new course was created just for that item (AOT-110, Outlook; AOT-160, Virtual Office Technology). Additional items were added to the curriculum (Google apps, Canva, VMOCK). The previous End of Program Assessment was discontinued and replaced with the final project in this class. AOT-250 continues to be a very robust course that is updated regularly to keep up with technology and community needs as expressed by our Advisory Committee.


Course: AOT 234 Desktop Publishing 2

Instructor: Connie Lambke

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: n/a; new course

Types of ICM Used: Open Educational Resources (OER) (reusable, retainable, revisable, remixable, redistributable without licensing other than Creative Commons licenses already granted); usually available in digital and lower-cost print versions to give the students options, Subscription access digital materials which students have access to via MCC subscriptions (e.g. library databases, other subscription services), Instructor-created materials given to students free and digitally (e.g. Canvas pages, instructor-built website, video or audio materials, handouts, worksheets)

Benefits beyond Cost Savings: This is the advanced desktop publishing course. Students need to have already completed Desktop Publishing 1. This course continues using Canva resources; however, students will purchase the PRO version to access advanced features. This is a 2-month course, Canva offers one month of free access, and the monthly cost is $15 (or $120 annual). As stated in the introductory course summary, Canva provides tutorials on the design process for all projects assigned. In addition, the PRO version includes AI to assist with designs. One of the main benefits of the PRO account is a branding kit. Students will create a company, design their branding, and then use it throughout their projects. This process simulates real life while using advanced desktop publishing techniques.


Course: FRE 155 & FRE 255 French for Conversation I & II

Instructor: Anne Meny

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: unknown

Types of ICM Used: Open Educational Resources (OER) (reusable, retainable, revisable, remixable, redistributable without licensing other than Creative Commons licenses already granted); usually available in digital and lower-cost print versions to give the students options

Benefits beyond Cost Savings: Students will benefit from having a conversation class to practice their conversation skills. These classes are for the dual credit French high school students. They do not typically pay for their textbooks, but I believe their district does. This will save their high school districts who participate in this program from having to purchase materials for multiple students over the years.


Course: GER 155 German for Conversation I

Instructor: Silvia Schmid

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: $35

Types of ICM Used: Instructor-created materials given to students free and digitally (e.g. Canvas pages, instructor-built website, video or audio materials, handouts, worksheets), There are a few educational language video series that I have been using for this project-oriented course. Language learning and incorporating videos can be stimulating as it also presents the language pronunciation.

Benefits beyond Cost SavingsStudents will like the visual parts because it brings the language alive.


Course: GER 255 German for Conversation II

Instructor: Silvia Schmid

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: $35

Types of ICM Used: Instructor-created materials given to students free and digitally (e.g. Canvas pages, instructor-built website, video or audio materials, handouts, worksheets), Easy German as well as Nico's Weg are educational video series that is a wonderful tool to start a conversation. Deutsche Welle and Goethe Institute are both resources with an increasing inventory. Videos are useful for the listening comprehension and the speaking part of the language. The topics are enough content to practice conversation.

Benefits beyond Cost SavingsWatching videos and listening to people speak is helpful to students as they learn and practice speaking.


Success Stories 2024

Course: GRA 167 Graphic Design I

Instructor: Violet Luczak

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: n/a new course

Types of ICM Used: Non-subscription website (e.g. from professional organizations in the field; from respected institutions such as universities, larger charities, hospitals; from corporate research departments or activist organization research (for comparison), Instructor-created materials given to students free and digitally (e.g. Canvas pages, instructor-built website, video or audio materials, handouts, worksheets)

Benefits beyond Cost Savings: For this course, I designed nearly all of the instructional material. This includes all written instructions, written demonstrations, videos of myself performing the demonstrations. The benefit to the students is the way in which all of the information is synchronized. The assignment sheets, written tutorials and video tutorial are all about the same project. This helps mimic what an in-person experience would look like.


Course: PAR 120 Torts and Insurance Law

Instructor: Robin Berry

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: $230

Types of ICM Used: Open Educational Resources (OER) (reusable, retainable, revisable, remixable, redistributable without licensing other than Creative Commons licenses already granted); usually available in digital and lower-cost print versions to give the students options, Non-subscription website (e.g. from professional organizations in the field; from respected institutions such as universities, larger charities, hospitals; from corporate research departments or activist organization research (for comparison), Subscription access digital materials which students have access to via MCC subscriptions (e.g. library databases, other subscription services), Government databases and research reports (federal, state, local, or respectable foreign governments), Instructor-created materials given to students free and digitally (e.g. Canvas pages, instructor-built website, video or audio materials, handouts, worksheets), Discovered an alternative to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (price starting at $39 per year for ebook and print for $46. The Indigo Book is free.

Benefits beyond Cost Savings: Students will have access to most of the resources beyond graduation.


Course: AOT 134 Desktop Publishing 1

Instructor: Connie Lambke

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: n/a new course

Types of ICM Used: Open Educational Resources (OER) (reusable, retainable, revisable, remixable, redistributable without licensing other than Creative Commons licenses already granted); usually available in digital and lower-cost print versions to give the students options, Non-subscription website (e.g. from professional organizations in the field; from respected institutions such as universities, larger charities, hospitals; from corporate research departments or activist organization research (for comparison), Instructor-created materials given to students free and digitally (e.g. Canvas pages, instructor-built website, video or audio materials, handouts, worksheets)

Benefits beyond Cost Savings: I found an absolute goldmine for this new course. We decided to highlight Canva for this initial class because it is easy and free. To my surprise, Canva not only provides tutorials on how to use their software, but they provide tutorials on the design process. They actually have a Design School within Canva. So from using elements, to proximity, alignment, font pairing, color wheel, hierarchy...the list goes on and on. Everything, and more, is covered. I checked with Canva and they allowed us to use their great content as our course materials. All I had to do was pick and choose what content, decide what order to use them, and create assignments with rubrics. All of the assignments are either simple practice projects or a larger design project that meets the outline for the course. The design projects are not structured at all. The student is given a general category with limited restrictions, and they are able to showcase the skills they have learned. I think the only changes in the course would be additional content that Canva would release as time passes.



Course: ACC 151 Financial Accounting

Instructor: Ann Esarco

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: $225

Types of ICM Used: Open Educational Resources (OER) (reusable, retainable, revisable, remixable, redistributable without licensing other than Creative Commons licenses already granted); usually available in digital and lower-cost print versions to give the students options, Government databases and research reports (federal, state, local, or respectable foreign governments), Instructor-created materials given to students free and digitally (e.g. Canvas pages, instructor-built website, video or audio materials, handouts, worksheets)

Benefits beyond Cost Savings: The ICM material that was created provided all the material students need to know from on intro to Accounting class. In addition, it shared videos from a diverse background of individuals who all are successful in some area of Accounting. In addition to the individuals being diverse, the areas of practice are also diverse. The intent is to show students the forward possibilities with an Accounting degree. Yes, intro information and yes, good career choice.


Course: CHM 115 Chemistry and Society

Instructor: Mary van Opstal

Estimated Cost Savings Per Student: $100

Types of ICM Used: Open Educational Resources (OER) (reusable, retainable, revisable, remixable, redistributable without licensing other than Creative Commons licenses already granted); usually available in digital and lower-cost print versions to give the students options Non-subscription website (e.g. from professional organizations in the field; from respected institutions such as universities, larger charities, hospitals; from corporate research departments or activist organization research (for comparison) Subscription access digital materials which students have access to via MCC subscriptions (e.g. library databases, other subscription services) Government databases and research reports (federal, state, local, or respectable foreign governments) Instructor-created materials given to students free and digitally (e.g. Canvas pages, instructor-built website, video or audio materials, handouts, worksheets)

Benefits beyond Cost Savings: My entire course allows for OER and ICM. I currently use an OER textbook, have written the activites and lab experiments. Other are in house at MCC. I provide links to all assignments. However, I worked this year to build a set of activities that incorporates data including Our World in Data website, and the UN Sustainability Development Goals. These activities help students understand how chemistry is related to data and sustainability and how it informs their decisions. It is important to show students that content can change and keeping up to date in how chemistry affects their lives.


Course: ADD 100 formerly PRG 105 Programming Logic

Instructor: Meri Kasprak

Textbook Success Story:  Replaced book with online resources

Previous Book Name/Cost: Starting out with pty/$230 to buy, $75 to rent, $44 to rent digitally for one semester

New Book Name/Cost: Python Institute online training /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 28

Savings Per Semester: $2,112 compared to the digital rental


Course: AOT 110 Outlook

Instructor: Connie Lambke

Textbook Success Story: Created materials for a new course.

Previous Book Name/Cost: new course

New Book Name/Cost: none /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: unknown

Savings Per Semester: n/a


Success Stories 2023

Course: MAT 150 Elements of Mathematics

Instructor: Heidi Boring

Textbook Success Story:  Adopt a custom edition of the OER textbook. Create supplements for instructors including worksheets, activities, online homework through MyOpenMath, and sample projects.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Mathematics All Around/$125

New Book Name/Cost: Math in Society - MCC Custom Edition /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 330

Savings Per Semester: $41,250


Course: AOM 145 Office Practice

Instructor: Connie Lambke

Textbook Success Story:  Researched open resources and created content

Previous Book Name/Cost: Proofreading and Editing Precision/$80

New Book Name/Cost: None /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 15

Savings Per Semester: $1,200


Course: ACC 151 Financial Accounting

Instructor: Ann Esarco

Textbook Success Story: Using Open Stax, importing and editing quizzes that are self graded, creating exercises that are self-graded. Uploading videos from various sources that further explain the concepts.

Previous Book Name/Cost: McGraw-Hill Financial Accounting/$150

New Book Name/Cost: Open Stax Financial Accounting /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 125

Savings Per Semester: $18,750


Course: AOM 160 Virtual Office Technologies

Instructor: Connie Lambke

Textbook Success Story:  I created all of my own materials and assignments to supplement free resources, mainly LinkedIn Learning.

Previous Book Name/Cost: This is a new course for a new certificate, so there was no existing book.

New Book Name/Cost: None /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: Since this is a new certificate, it is difficult to estimate this.


Savings Spotlight - Fall 2021

Course:  AOM 140 Integrated Office Applications

Instructor: Connie Lambke and Heather Courtney

Textbook Success Story: Eliminated textbook costs by creating content and using open resources.

Previous Book Name/Cost: GO!W/MICROSOFT OFFICE 2016 INTEGRATED PROJECTS /$164.27

New Book Name/Cost: None/$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 40

Savings Per Semester: $6,571

Savings Spotlight - Spring 2021

Course: Marketing Degree & Certificates

Instructor: Sherry Ridge

Textbook Success Story:  We use Flatworld, OER's and OpenStax resources. No textbook cost more than $39.95 for MKT classes

Previous Book Costs: $79.95-$295

New Book Costs: $0-$39.95

Enrollment Per Semester: 231

Savings Per Semester: $39566.92

Success Stories 2022

Course: SPA 101 & SPA 102/Spanish for the Workplace I and II (formerly Occupational Spanish I and II)

Instructor: Lindsay Carson and Jessica Whitcomb

Textbook Success Story: By creating department shells in Canvas, we are providing instructors with materials to use both in, and outside of, the classroom so that students receive the same quality learning experience at no cost beyond the price of tuition.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Basic Spanish/$35+

New Book Name/Costn/a /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 24

Savings Per Semester: $839.76


Course: ART 250/252/254 Digital Photography

Instructor: Justin Schmitz

Textbook Success Story: I have not used a textbook in my classes. For my OER project, I made manuals for operation of specialized printing equipment with regards to software / hardware interface. My project focused on printed printing manuals for easy access in class and during open lab times. These manuals will hopefully make the complicated task of output more seemless going forward.

Previous Book Name/Cost: n/a

New Book Name/Costn/a /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 60


Course: AOM 250 Administrative Office Procedures

Instructor: Connie Lambke

Textbook Success Story: Gathered materials from many free sources and created what was not available.

Previous Book Name/Cost: The Administrative Professional Technology & Procedures

New Book Name/Cost$210 /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 10

Success Stories Spring 2021

Course: IMT 135 Maintenance Management

Instructor: Heather Zaccagnini

Textbook Success Story:  While the book I was using was not the most expensive, it was also not a great book. I have been very unhappy with the books that are available for this course. I have successfully found industry recognized resources that are replacing a book. These resources are current and relevant, although they are more fluid in nature. I also created a lot of the content needed to support the project-based learning in the course.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Implementing TPM in North America/$68.54

New Book Name/Cost: Various Trade Journals and industry association magazines /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 20

Savings Per Semester: $1370.8


Course: MAT 165 College Algebra and Trigonometry

Instructor: Mark Carlson

Textbook Success Story:  I selected a free, open source textbook from OpenStax. I also created free, online homework assignments using Previously, students were required to purchase an expensive access code for the publisher online homework platform and e-book. Now the textbook and homework materials are completely free for my classes. I have also created note worksheets and a modified departmental final exam study guide to go with the free textbook. I have put all of this material along with some guiding information into a Canvas shell to share with all of my colleagues to encourage them and make it easier for them to switch to OER resources for their sections of this course as well.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Algebra and Trigonometry, 4th Edition by James Stewart, Lothar Redlin/, Saleem Watson/$142.85 for access card with ebook

New Book Name/Cost: Algebra and Trigonometry by Jay Abramson /$0 for ebook ($66.28 for optional hardcover)

Enrollment Per Semester: 129

Savings Per Semester: $18427.65


Course: JRN 165 Introduction to Broadcasting

Instructor: Guinevere Mathey

Textbook Success Story:  Renting, using older versions, copying chapters

Previous Book Name/Cost: Head's Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Electronic Media/$144

New Book Name/Cost: /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 17

Savings Per Semester: $2448


Course: HFE 250 Nutrition for Wellness

Instructor: Elaine Whalen and Vicki Hamill

Textbook Success Story:  We will replace the traditional textbook with free online articles and resources from the following: USDA, NIH; Kanopy- Greater Course Video Lectures, YouTube Videos, and TED Talks. Two reasonably priced books, Intuitive Eating Workbook and Low Fat Lies, High Fat Fraud will be used and can be purchased for under $20.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Nutrition, and Applies Approach /$223.63-$250

New Book Name/Cost: Intuitive Eating Workbook /$19.35

Enrollment Per Semester: 125

Savings Per Semester: $25,000


Course: HIS 172 U.S. History II

Instructor: David White

Textbook Success Story:  Free OER textbook; free OER online history videos, documents, & resources; free instructor created materials.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Give me Liberty and Voices of Freedom/$98 and $20 ($118 total)

New Book Name/Cost: American Yawp (digital) /$0 

Enrollment Per Semester: 60

Savings Per Semester: $7,080


Course: DGM 155 User Interface & User Experience

Instructor: Stephy Miehle

Textbook Success Story:  Though our previous book was already low-cost and supplemented by web resources, I have created an online "textbook" that is 100% free for students and can also serve as a great reference for other courses in the department. By creating my own content, I do not have to worry that online articles will disappear/break over time. With approval, the textbook site can accept contributions from other instructors and even students!

Previous Book Name/Cost: Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability/$40

New Book Name/Cost: UI/UX at MCC (self-authored)/$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 24

Savings Per Semester: $960


Course: ENG 150 Creative Writing

Instructor: Anne Humphrey

Textbook Success Story:  Through the OER Fellowship, the newly developed course was built, and it will be available for all English faculty to use in whole or in part.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Nvarious -- different instructors used different books /$50-100

New Book Name/Cost: none: readings entirely from online materials /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 20-24

Savings Per Semester: $1000-$2400


Success Stories May 2018

Course: SPA 151/SPA 152/SPA 251 Elementary Spanish I and II, Intermediate Spanish I

Instructor: Lindsay Carson and Jessica Whitcomb

Textbook Success Story:  We are replacing a traditional textbook with Canvas repositories containing free materials for all instructors to share. We also found a low-cost, on-line workbook tool which can be purchased using departmental funds (so it's free for students!). We've decided not to replace our reader which can be purchased on-line for approximately $2.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Sol y viento, Easy Spanish Reader/$226

New Book Name/CostEasy Spanish Reader /$55

Enrollment Per Semester: 89

Savings Per Semester: $15,219


Course: PHI 155 Introduction to Logic

Instructor: Joo Lee

Textbook Success Story:  I am moving to a free online textbook, supplemented by available online resources (including PowerPoints from full courses, YouTube videos, and problem sets) and original materials that will eventually be available on Canvas Commons. Hopefully, other instructors in the department who teach this course will find this material helpful and be inspired to make similar changes in their own sections.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Essentials of Logic/$120

New Book Name/Cost: Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 48

Savings Per Semester: $5,760


Course: PLT 251 International Relations

Instructor: Todd Culp

Textbook Success Story:  I have used many different online articles and resources. One of the most helpful of the resources I used was the Center for Open Education.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Why Nations Go to War/$189.75

New Book Name/Cost: International Relations Theory /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 35

Savings Per Semester: $6,641.25


Course: NET 180 Computer Security Awareness

Instructor: Stephen Mujeye

Textbook Success Story: I have used open source material as well as lectures and videos on

Previous Book Name/Cost: Applying Practical Security in Your World /$135

New Book Name/CostComputer Security Tutorial & /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 15

Savings Per Semester: $2,025


Course: GEG 123 Energy Resources

Instructor: Theodore Erski

Textbook Success Story: The text will now be 100% free for any MCC student enrolled in GEG 123. They will have access to each chapter via a unique Canvas shell where each chapter is available in pdf format. Digital format allows for cost-effective, timely revisions that would otherwise require a new, printed edition of the textbook.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Energy Resources /$178

New Book Name/CostEnergy Resources /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 48

Savings Per Semester: $8,544


Course: NUR 112/115/130/135 Nursing - First Year

Instructor: Angela Sass

Textbook Success Story: I found online resources for students and eliminated over half the books previously required. Last year students were required to purchase 8 books to support them throughout the nursing program. Utilizing the Nursing Reference Center, an online depository of verified sources, eliminated all but two texts. An app for phone/tablet use is also available to students. This will allow students to have access to verified, professional resources at their fingertips for a fraction of the cost.

Previous Book Name/Cost: First Year Book Bundle /$665

New Book Name/Cost: First Year Book Bundle /$288.89

Enrollment Per Semester: 27

Savings Per Semester: $9,855


Course: SPE 151 Introduction to Speech

Instructor: Ron Compton and Bonnie Gable

Textbook Success Story: Our first strategy to reduce costs was the use of the e-Book version of the current text (first by Bonnie in Spring, 2015, and then by Ron in Fall, 2015) but the savings was only $43 per student. Beginning Fall, 2018, we (Ron & Bonnie) will pilot the FREE online textbook for our students and by Spring, 2019, all speech sections will adopt the virtual textbook, resulting in a cost-reduction of $174, 960 annually!

Previous Book Name/Cost: The Art of Public Speaking /$135

New Book Name/CostPublic Speaking: The Virtual Text /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 648

Savings Per Semester: $87,480.00


Course: MAT 220 Statistics

Instructor: Heidi Boring

Textbook Success Story: In the spring of 2018, Heidi Boring piloted the textbook Introductory Statistics by OpenStax for her sections of Math 220 Statistics for Business and Social Science. Heidi shared her course materials to create a master course on Canvas for the entire department to use. In the fall semester of 2018, two more instructors will be using the OpenStax textbook for Statistics classes. The department is now considering adopting the OpenStax book for both Math 220 and Math 120 (General Education Statistics) for all face to face sections of the course. The savings for Mat 220 will be about $34,000 per semester. If adopted for Math 120 as well, the savings for students would more than double.

Previous Book Name/Cost: Statistics for Business and Economics (13th ed) McClave/$254.50 new or $190.90 used

New Book Name/CostIntroductory Statistics by OpenStax /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 135

Savings Per Semester$34,000


Course: MAT 161 College Algebra

Instructor: Tammi Kostos

Textbook Success Story: Previously we have used a textbook that students purchased for $206.00. I have developed materials for a pilot of one course with a free text. This will save students $6,180. Provided the pilot goes well, the shell of information I have developed will be shared with the department for hopeful implementation in other sections. This could produce students a yearly savings of up to $98,880

Previous Book Name/Cost: College Algebra/$206

New Book Name/CostCollege Algebra by OpenStax /$0

Enrollment Per Semester: 30 per section

Savings Per Semester$6,180 per section