To access any database in this Research Guide from off campus, you will need your myMCC login.
OT Search is not a full-text database. To obtain full-text articles, try the following:
OT Search lists both books and journal articles. To obtain books, try the following:
Use the Journal List to search for specific OT journals such as:
Click on the database listed in the results to go directly to that journal. Then choose an issue to browse, or search for articles within the journal.
The Library has an electronic subscription to The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. The link to this subscription is in the Databases box to the right.
Joshua Vossler's video "Selecting and Using Keywords"
Keywords and Database Searching
To access: create an account using your or email address
A collection of 185 short patient videos for OTA and PTA students as well as Strokehelp videos.