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The video above walks through how to search for journals and find journal articles in the databases. Use the databases listed below to find the information you need.
Use the databases below to find journal articles as well as topic overviews.
Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
LegalTrac provides indexing for major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals, including titles in full text. The American Association of Law Libraries not only endorses LegalTrac-its special advisory committee selects, reviews, and enhances the content of this resource. The database offers coverage of federal and state cases, laws and regulations, legal practice and taxation, as well as British Commonwealth, European Union, and international law.
Opposing Viewpoints is the premier online resource covering today's hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration to marijuana. This cross-curricular resource supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical-thinking skills and draw their own conclusions. Opposing Viewpoints is a rich resource for debaters and includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more. A category on the National Debate Topic provides quick and easy access to content on frequently studied and discussed issues. Periodical content covers current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental issues, political science, and more.
Gale Academic OneFile, provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources and covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences. Also included are thousands of podcasts and videos.
American History in Video provides the largest and richest collection of video available online for the study of American history, with 2,000 hours and more than 5,000 titles on completion.
Organized around the history of women in social movements in the U.S. between 1600 and 2000
The Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video provides a collection of documentaries, training videos, and interviews illustrating the strategies, techniques, and experiences of professionals serving on the front lines of justice and public safety.