Video length: 3 min 34 sec
Video Source: University of Louisville Libraries CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
The SIFT Method is one way to evaluate information. This method works well for online formats and popular sources.
Click through the tabs on this box to learn more about each of the four steps.
This first step asks you to pause for a moment before automatically trusting a source and accepting it as true. Don't share it or use it for your research until you know more.
Ask yourself:
This step asks you to take action on a source. Become a fact checker and read laterally. Go outside the source to learn what other sources say about it.
Learn more about the organization and the author.
Can you find coverage of the claim from other sources? Can you find consensus about the claim?
Does your article contain bias? Use the following tools to help you:
Has it already been fact checked? Use the sites on our fact-checking toolbox to help you.
The website's domain is not an indicator of its credibility. The domain only tells you what kind of website it is: commercial, education, government, non-profit organization (possibly). You should evaluate the source based on the information it contains, not by the URL.
You may learn a little about what the format of the information is within the URL. For example, within the following URL, you'll see it says "blog," meaning that article is a blog post.
A website that ends in .gov (government website) is considered authoritative, but you should still evaluate it to make sure it meets your information need.
Think about how much or what kind of information you need. Other coverage might be more in-depth, more reputable, more varied, or more current.
Also consider:
Good information should cite their sources. Scholarly sources will have a list of references at the end. Online popular sources may link to their sources.
These can also be altered, taken out of context, or misrepresented. This happens frequently on social media.
Fact check: Image of 2017 Los Angeles holiday traffic misrepresented as New Orleans evacuations
Work as a group to investigate this source: The “Trolley Problem” Doesn’t Work for Self-Driving Cars
Choose a speaker to represent the group and describe the group's process for determining your answer.