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ENG 152: Database Searching

Books and eBooks

Reference Books (books and eBooks)

Uses: Background information and definitions

  • eBooks = accessible! Content is hyperlinked and searchable.
  • Print books - available in the library for you to check out when the library is open.
  • eBooks - available to view online at any time without a library card.

You don't have to read an entire book for it to be helpful -- you may only need a chapter or even a paragraph to help you answer your research question.

Try one of the eBook databases listed on this page or use the library catalog to search for eBooks.

Searching the Catalog for eBooks

  1. Enter your keyword(s) in the catalog's search box (example: climate change)
  2. Using the filters on the right of your results, click Available Online and Books, then click Apply Filters.
  3. Click on title of an online book in the catalog to open the record.
  4. Scroll to the View Online section and click the name of the database under Full Text Availability to access the book. (More than one database may be listed.)