Joshua Vossler's video "Selecting and Using Keywords"
Keywords and Database Searching
To access any database in this Research Guide from off campus, you will need your myMCC login.
Try these database search strategies to find relevant information efficiently.
Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT
Phrase Searching
Search Multiple Databases at Once
Use our library databases to find full-text articles and eBooks covering a wide range of topics. The databases listed here are a good place to start!
Also refer to the A to Z Databases tab for our full list of databases. There may be one that's more suited to your specific topic. You can sort databases by Subject (like Psychology) and Type (like eBooks).
Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
Database Tutorial:
full-text, aggregated content covers every major subject from the world's best publishers of reference
Collection of multidisciplinary ebooks.
Gale eBooks offers broad cross-curricular collection of non-fiction titles, supporting science, geography, history, language arts, business and other subjects. Optimized for search and discovery, the Gale eBooks platform enables you to search through multiple nonfiction eBooks within a single search.
Multidisciplinary collection of nearly 700 titles that introduce topics in an accessible way.