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GEL 110: Geology of the National Parks: Finding Articles & More

A Guide to Good Sources

Off-Campus Access to Databases

To access any database in this Research Guide from off campus, you will need your myMCC login.

Recommended Databases

These databases contain articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers:

These databases contain full-text articles from reference books:

Searching Databases

Use the databases listed on this page to find articles from journals and magazines.  To find specific information, enter the name of your park and the specific information you seek, such as:

Yosemite and (fauna or wildlife)

Grand Canyon and geology

Death Valley National Park and (flora or plants)

Check the full-text box to get complete articles rather than just abstracts.

To access any database in this Research Guide from off campus, you will need your myMCC login. You may find your myMCC login at  Click on "What's my username or password?"  

Selecting and Using Keywords Video (3:50)

keyword with magnifying glass over research

Joshua Vossler's video "Selecting and Using Keywords"

Keywords and Database Searching

  • Use specific keywords, not questions.
  • Revise your keywords to see how that changes your results.
  • Look for more keywords in the articles you find.

Quick Tips and Shortcuts for Database Searching (video 5:19)

MCC Library Info

MCC Library

Questions? To contact an MCC Librarian, click on

Ask a Librarian!

The library is temporarily closed for renovations and will reopen in the Fall. For library support, you can visit the table outside of A212 or the A234 office. 

Regular Library Hours

Monday through Thursday

8:00am to 6:00pm


8:00am to 4:30pm