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World Languages Research Guide: Finding Books & Media

A resource guide for foreign languages, with an emphasis on Spanish, French and German.

Off-Campus Access to Databases

To access any database in this Research Guide from off campus, you will need your myMCC login.

Call Number Ranges

When you're in the library, you can browse for books on Foreign Languages in the following call number areas:

  • French     PC 2001 - 3761
  • Spanish   PC 4001 - 4977
  • German   PF 3001 - 5999

You can also find fiction and non-fiction books in Spanish or Spanish/English in the Spanish Collection

Library Catalog

Use the MCC Library Catalog to find out what physical and electronic resources the Library has available. Enter your search below to get started!

Sample Catalog Record

Reference e-Sources

Featured Titles

The following titles are available at the MCC Library. Click on each title for more information.

Reference titles can be used inside the library. Materials located in the Stacks can be checked out with your MCC library card. To get a library card, stop at the Circulation Desk!