To access any database in this Research Guide from off campus, you will need your myMCC login.
The search box below will search the CINAHL and HealthSource/Nursing databases. When searching in our databases, make sure to combine your key terms with Boolean AND (to include all the terms) or Boolean OR (for related terms). Check out the video offerings on this page for a quick tutorial on Boolean operators, database searching and reading scientific articles.
From the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Provides nearly 550 scholarly full-text, peer-reviewed journals focusing on many medical disciplines
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides researchers, allied health professionals, nurses and medical educators with access to full-text scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines., as well as indexing and abstracts for hundreds more journals. Dates Covered: 1984-present.
The LearningExpress suite of highly-acclaimed eLearning solutions provides interactive tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards and articles for academic skill-building, standardized test preparation, career development and more.
Evidence-based Nursing (EBN)
Evidence-based Practice (EBP)
Nursing Research (NR)
Randomized controlled practice (RCT)
Quality Improvement (QI)
Suggested Database Search Terms:
Systematic reviews
Clinical studies
Literature reviews
Meta-analysis (meta-analyses)
Joshua Vossler's video "Selecting and Using Keywords"
Keywords and Database Searching