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HRT103: Introduction to Plant Science

HRT103 Student Reports

HRT103 Student Reports

This guide will help you do your research to find sources for your three reports about plants: Plants Used for Food, Medicinal Plants, and Poisonous Plants.

Use the tabs on the left to locate books, scholarly articles, or internet sources.

  • Books or eBooks are great for finding background information about your plant.
  • Scholarly articles from library databases are peer-reviewed and authoritative
  • Use internet sources carefully and be sure to evaluate the information you find.

When you're ready to cite your sources, use the Quick Links box to access our APA Citations guide.


Plants Used for Food

Keywords to Try: plants, food, edible plants, edible wild plants, edible native plants, wild food plants, edible plant identification, edible plant harvesting, edible plants AND characteristics

Medicinal Plants

Keywords to Try: medicinal plant genomics, medicinal botany, plants AND disease prevention; plant-based medicines, medicinal plant identification, medicinal plants AND benefits, medicinal plants AND risks, medicinal plants AND characteristics

Poisonous Plants

Keywords to Try: poisonous plants AND characteristics, toxic plants, deadly plants, poisonous plants AND identification, poisonous plants AND pets, poisonous plant AND reactions