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Pride Month (June)

Searching Library Databases

Interested in researching LQBTQ+ topics?

The following is a helpful list of keywords and Subject Terms (and possible research topics!) for searching databases like Academic Search Complete to find scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Also take a look at the database LGBT Studies in Video.

Academic Search Complete Subject Terms:

  • LGBTQ+
  • LGBTQ People
  • Transgender
  • Bisexual
  • Asexuality or Asexual people
  • Pansexuality

Try searching those subject terms with other keywords like:

  • actors
  • adoption OR adoptive parents
  • caregivers
  • celebrations
  • clergy
  • clubs
  • college students
  • communities
  • couples
  • crimes
  • culture
  • families
  • family violence
  • films
  • homeless youth
  • immigrants
  • leadership
  • literature
  • medical care
  • mental health
  • neighborhoods
  • newspapers
  • parents
  • religion
  • rights
  • signs and symbols
  • teachers
  • veterans

Other database search terms:

  • Stonewall Riots
  • The Stonewall Inn
  • Pride Month
  • Equality
  • Gender identity
  • Intersectionality
  • Gender nonconforming people