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Chicago Style Citations

General Guidelines

  • The word Bibliography should appear at the top of the page, in bold and centered.
  • Bibliography entries appear in alphabetical order.
  • Entries are single spaced.
  • Double space between entries.
  • Format of entries: See Chicago Manual of Style's Notes and Bibliography: Sample Citations for the proper format of entries for different sources of information (like books, journal articles, websites, and more).
  • Entries that require more than one line should have a hanging indent. 

Hanging Indents

In Microsoft Word:

  1. From the Home tab, click the small arrow for Paragraph Settings.
  2. In the Indentation section of the box that appears: from the Special drop-down box, click Hanging.
  3. Click Ok.

In Google Docs:

  1. From the Format menu, click Align & Indent. Then click Indentation Options.
  2. From the Special Indent drop-down list, click Hanging.
  3. Click Apply.