When you're in the library, you can browse for books on Business in the following call number areas:
eRead Illinois is a collection of ebooks that you can check out using your library card and pin number.
Books can be read on the desktop reader or downloaded through the Axis 360 app for iPhone/iPad or Android.
Use the MCC Library Catalog to find out what physical and electronic resources the Library has available. Enter your search below to get started!
Off campus access requires your myMCC login, the same login you use in the computer labs and the classroom.
full-text, aggregated content covers every major subject from the world's best publishers of reference
Gale eBooks offers broad cross-curricular collection of non-fiction titles, supporting science, geography, history, language arts, business and other subjects. Optimized for search and discovery, the Gale eBooks platform enables you to search through multiple nonfiction eBooks within a single search.
Online access to directories of associations, broadcast media, brands, business information, consultants, and publications. With Gale Directory Library, researchers can perform a range of data sorting, filtering and exporting activities. Find contacts - Finding a company, person, publication or other entity is easy. Basic search lets users quickly look up entries by name or keyword, or use Advanced Search to search specific fields of information. Generate lists, analyze trends - Exporting search results for use in programs like Word or Excel greatly assists with the creation of mailing lists and with data analysis. Cross-searchable - The Gale Directory Library supports a growing number of directory titles. Each can be searched individually by its own data fields, or users can search the entire directory collection. A list of directories that are part of the library's subscription to the Gale Directory Library is available by clicking the 'View All' link under 'Directories available in this library' on the Gale Directory Library Basic Search Page.
The following book titles are available at the MCC Library. Click on each title for more information.