Click on the image above to access Flipster for digital magazines. Current issues as well as back issues are available for you to view on your computer or mobile device, or through the Flipster app for iPhone/iPad or Android.
To access magazines from off-campus, log in using your library card number.
You can also check out print magazines in the library.
Titles include: Consumer Reports, Time, People, Money, and more!
View a complete title list here.
Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
Business provides full-text coverage of all business disciplines including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management, and strategy, as well as business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through nearly 4,000 leading business and trade publications, updated daily.
With over 460,000 company profiles, including 2,000 with deep links to related content and statistical data, Gale Business Insights: Global provides daily updates to keep up with the ever-changing corporate landscape. Includes: Profiles of every U.N. recognized country including 90+ Economist Intelligence Unit reports; SWOT reports (quarterly updates), GlobalData industry research reports; Plunkett industry reports; market share and business rankings; company histories and chronologies; global company, country, and business topic overviews with quick links; full-text articles; case studies; business executive video interviews; interactive LiveCharts; and more.
Provides full text for nearly 1,100 business publications
Online access to directories of associations, broadcast media, brands, business information, consultants, and publications. With Gale Directory Library, researchers can perform a range of data sorting, filtering and exporting activities. Find contacts - Finding a company, person, publication or other entity is easy. Basic search lets users quickly look up entries by name or keyword, or use Advanced Search to search specific fields of information. Generate lists, analyze trends - Exporting search results for use in programs like Word or Excel greatly assists with the creation of mailing lists and with data analysis. Cross-searchable - The Gale Directory Library supports a growing number of directory titles. Each can be searched individually by its own data fields, or users can search the entire directory collection. A list of directories that are part of the library's subscription to the Gale Directory Library is available by clicking the 'View All' link under 'Directories available in this library' on the Gale Directory Library Basic Search Page.
Full-text national and regional newspapers, tv and radio transcripts
Gale Academic OneFile, provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources and covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences. Also included are thousands of podcasts and videos.
Vocations and Careers provides access to journals and magazines that aid users in researching a vocation, finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career. The database offers hundreds of current and applicable periodicals, from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals.
The video above shows how to access the database and also demos a search for US Businesses and US Residents. The video below show how you can use the graph feature to view your results as a pie chart or bar graph.
The videos and other resources below will help you be a better database searcher!
Joshua Vossler's video "Selecting and Using Keywords"
Keywords and Database Searching
When searching in the databases you'll need to select keywords that are relevant to your topic.
Some keywords that you can use are:
You can combine these terms using the Boolean operators AND and OR to refine your search results.
Ask a Librarian if you have any questions!