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MCC Library Info

MCC Library

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Regular Library Hours

Monday through Thursday

8:00am to 6:00pm


8:00am to 4:30pm


MCC Sustainability Center

MCC Sustainability Center

Director of Sustainability: Kim Hankins

Location: C122



Green Campus Initiatives

Visit the Sustainability Center's website for a complete list of Green Campus Initiatives.

Reuse It Corner

If you're in need of basic office supplies like binders, folders, or pens, stop by the Reuse It Corner in the Sustainability Center! You can also drop off your unused office supplies so they can be used by others.

Composting on Campus

Launched in April 2019, three new waste/recycling/compost stations have been added around campus to accommodate the three waste streams: recycling, compost, and landfill.


Sustainability Walking Tour

Take our walking tour to learn about all of MCC's sustainability efforts around campus!

Environmental Action Club

Want to get involved?

Join MCC's Environmental Action Club (student organization). 

"Looks to make positive change for our environment in and around McHenry County. We discuss topics such as climate change, food insecurity, renewable energy, and more. We often have area experts join our meetings to talk with students and have several field trips planned throughout the semester and restoration workdays at a variety of sites."

Green Curriculum

Learn more!

The Sustainability Center has compiled a list of courses available from MCC that incorporate one or more of the principles of sustainability: environment, economy, and equity, into their curricula.